Friday, September 19, 2014

Appearance by Hank Phillippi Ryan

At the Groton Library, we had a lovely night hearing our special guest star, ace investigative reporter and mystery author Hank Phillippi Ryan. She graciously took time from her busy schedule to come chat with us and tell us great stories about her life and work.

Our Mystery Book Club had been interested in getting her to visit and tell us about The Wrong Girl and other books of hers. She regaled us with anecdotes and insider information, then answered a number of good questions about the work she does and the characters and stories within her books.

I've heard her speak on several occasions, and she's always professional, prepared, engaging, entertaining, and charming. Perhaps it has something to do with her many years of top-quality television reporting. As she says, it's a job where you have to be right all the time, and perfect whenever you appear. Talk about pressure!

She thanked us all for being readers, and for attending a writer event, and people got to get their books signed and chat with her a bit more.

When I mentioned a fellow mystery author, Daniel Friedman (Don't Ever Get Old), she had nothing but praise for him and his book.

So if you want to see her somewhere besides a television screen, check out her appearance schedule and drop into one. 
Our thanks to the library, the staff, and mystery lovers for arranging this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Amazing! Thank you SO much..this is as lovely as it gets. Wow. I am so touched...
