Monday, September 16, 2024

Double Show Weekend

What a busy time! Had two shows this weekend, in two different states.

First was in Springfield, MA, for the Association of Rural and Small Libraries, a conference with librarians from all over the country. 

Here's Matt Cost, a fellow mystery writer from Maine. They first stuck us upstairs with few people around, before moving us down to the main floor, where the people were! 

A better location below. 

We chatted with librarians from Michigan and New York state, and met the Poetess Laureate of Maine, Julia Bouwsma.

And early next morning, I was up for Duck Day in Auburn, NH.

Celebrities! Local reigning Queens

And another mascot...

R. David DePuy, who was running for office

Here's Library honcho Dan Szczesny, author in his own right, who sets us up in Authors Alley for the day to vend to passersby. 

He's amazed at my prolific display of books I've written... 

Authors from all over

A new display

Here's Jeff Deck, who runs the Portsmouth Writer's Night Out. 

He was also a contributor to my marketing book
                  87 Ways to Sell More Books

Kurt Springs, who I conned into joining us at the last minute...

Tony Tremblay, a fellow writer of scary stuff

Steve Hobbs- just too strange for words... 😆

Satin Russell- now that's an author name...

Matt Forrest Esenwine

And last but not least, Linda Magoon

Thanks to all the sponsors, and to the Griffin Free Library for the space and support! 

See you there next year!

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