Thursday, March 13, 2025

Our play

 Fun news! Our play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Litterbox, opens tomorrow night (Friday). Come on down- it's very funny!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 It's out! The seventh novel in my Zack Taylor mystery series is out on all ebook platforms- with print and audio coming soon!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Birthday Party for Edgar A. Poe!

 Birthday Party for Edgar A. Poe! 

Sunday, Jan. 19, at the Worthen, 141 Worthen St., in Lowell- at 5 p.m. 

A few very short Poe readings (me included), a toast to Poe, then all are welcome to remain, chat, order dinner (wonderful menu and orders can be placed upstairs.)

Facebook post

Here I am at the Poe Museum in Richmond, VA.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

My Interviews From 2024 and chance to win

Hello All- it was a busy year that went by rather rapidly.

May your new year be filled with love and joy and helping others.

I did a number of interviews this last year, so here they are for your listening and/or reading pleasure. 😏

Most recent (that just got published), is my chat with Dr. Katherine Hutchinson Hayes on her show Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality

And please respond to her poll for a chance to win one of three of my books on author help! 

Before that came Al Warren's Books to Die For Podcast

And Rich Ehisen's The Open Mic

The Bonnar Spring Crime Wave Podcast

A mini-interview from Sandy and James Manning at Killer Nashville.
I come in about 6:16... 

And I'm mentioned in this Huntington News piece, after chatting with Grace Phillips (no known relation) at the Boston Book Fair. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

My Podcast Interview Out, Scott Goudsward Interview, and Salem Gothic Yule Show

Hello again- another busy time of year, before the holidays.

First off, my podcast interview for Al Warren's House of Mystery is up!

And I had a great chat with author Scott Goudsward for the Tewksbury Library Writer's Night Out

And capped off the week with a day selling and signing books at the Salem Gothic Yule Market

Here's the table Scott Goudsward and I were at on Saturday. 

Krampus was there instead of Santa. 

So many cool vendors, like MoonGangStar Candles

Fun day, with many interesting gift ideas for the holidays.
Drop on by next year! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Great Panel night at the W. Roxbury BPL branch

We had a great time last night at the Sisters in Crime Monday Mystery and Mayhem panel at the West Roxbury Branch Library.

The following pics were supplied by Robert Gaudet! 
Artemis Kirk introducing us

L to R: John Nardizzi, Frances McNamara, Leslie Wheeler, and myself. Not present was Leslie Meier, who sadly could not attend.

On most rainy weeknights, you don't expect much of a crowd to come out to the library. We were pleasantly surprised to see about 40 people in attendance! They asked great questions, and seemed to have quite a good time.

Author book sales were done by the nice Indie bookstore Rozzie Bound.

After the chat, folks had a chance to talk to us while we signed books.

John and I sharing a chuckle

There were snacks, supplied and staffed by the Friends of the Library. who did a terrific job!

Thanks to all, staff, Friends, and audience, who made this night a success!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Tyngsboro Festival of Trees

Great time signing and selling books at the Tyngsboro Festival of Trees! Several nights there, and enjoyed talks with other authors.

Still going on tonight and tomorrow, so get on down and see the lovely trees and lights!

My display

Great writer and friend David Daniel