Friday, October 18, 2024

Bookstore event, Podcast interview, Big show, and more!

Hello again, and welcome to wicked busy Spooktober

First note is to thank Jeanne and Whitelam Books of Reading MA for hosting myself and Lorenzo Petruzziello for a nice chat about our work and the writing process. 

It's a lovely, cozy, intimate bookstore

Jeanne shows her newest favorite book...

Nice night of a literary chat

The next day, I was guesting on The Crime Wave podcast of Bonnar Spring. Will be out next Tuesday! 

I'll be at the big show this weekend, signing and selling my books

Monday, I'll be at the Sisters in Crime booth at the New England Library association conference. 

Tuesday night, the 22nd, I'll moderate a Zoom chat with Liz Mugavero (Cate Conte) for the Tewksbury Library Writer's Night Out.

Then to the Mystery Writers of America booth at the Boston Book Fest on Saturday the 26th.

And on Sunday the 27th, join me and some cool writers of scary stuff Chris Philbrook, Tom Deady, and Scott Goudsward at The Bookery in Manchester, NH. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Sisters in Crime Panel, Red Sox, and Upcoming Show

October is a fun and busy month. 

Last night, we did a Sisters in Crime panel for the Joshua Hyde Library in Sturbridge, MA. Thanks to Tasha and the Friends of the Library for the opportunity, and to Max Folsom and Coralie Jensen, my fellow panelists. 

Between the phone and computer, devices decided not to show the pics I'd taken. Hmph.

Tomorrow night, I'll be selling and signing books at the Townsend Haunted Trail, fun pre-Halloween stuff.

Here's a post from the one we did last year.

Recently, celebrated the last home game, thanks to some donated tickets. End of the season for the Red Sox. Been quite some time since I was at Fenway. 

Great seats, great game- they won! No post-season- we'll get 'em next year. 

Much more coming up in the next few weeks. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Welcome to Autumn- Latest Lotsa News

Happy Autumn, folks. It's lovely weather, and a wicked busy time for a productive author.

Here's a shot from the Common Ground Fair, a lovely yearly event in Maine. Great day for it, and loads of fun.

First up, my latest author help book is now out on audio in Audible (follows the print and ebook).

And then the print version of my fantasy collection is now out-

And the print version of my collection of crime/mystery stories is now out! 

I gave a mini-interview at Killer Nashville. I come in at about 6:18

A longer interview with KN attendee Dr. Katherine Hutchinson Hayes on Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality. 

Had a great Zoom chat with Clay Stafford, founder of the Killer Nashville Conference, for the Tewksbury Writer's Night Out.

And on Oct 22nd, I'll be on the Crime Wave podcast with author Bonnar Spring

October brings a host of live events:

A Sisters in Crime panel on We're Not Making This Up for the Sturbridge, MA Library, Oct 10th. (I'm a replacement, so not named on the schedule yet.)

For Spooktober, I'll be signing and selling books at the Haunted Trail in Townsend, MA on the 12th. 

I'll be at a local author showcase at Whitelam Book in Reading, MA.
Wednesday, October 16 at 7:00 PM.

Also at the Great New England Craft Fair event at the Milford Dome, Sat Sun the 19th-20th. 

And manning a Sisters in Crime table at the New England Library Association Conference in Portland, Maine on the 21st, from 12-4.

The following Saturday, the 26th, I'll be at the Mystery Writers of America booth at the Boston Book Festival from 12-2.

And then maybe a little vacation...

Now have books in the Barnes and Noble bookstores in Dedham and Hingham, MA. Even got endcap placement in Hingham! The entire bottom row!

Just added another bookstore to stock my titles! Looking forward to a signing at the Bookery, 844 Elm St, Manchester, NH


Monday, September 16, 2024

Double Show Weekend

What a busy time! Had two shows this weekend, in two different states.

First was in Springfield, MA, for the Association of Rural and Small Libraries, a conference with librarians from all over the country. 

Here's Matt Cost, a fellow mystery writer from Maine. They first stuck us upstairs with few people around, before moving us down to the main floor, where the people were! 

A better location below. 

We chatted with librarians from Michigan and New York state, and met the Poetess Laureate of Maine, Julia Bouwsma.

And early next morning, I was up for Duck Day in Auburn, NH.

Celebrities! Local reigning Queens

And another mascot...

R. David DePuy, who was running for office

Here's Library honcho Dan Szczesny, author in his own right, who sets us up in Authors Alley for the day to vend to passersby. 

He's amazed at my prolific display of books I've written... 

Authors from all over

A new display

Here's Jeff Deck, who runs the Portsmouth Writer's Night Out. 

He was also a contributor to my marketing book
                  87 Ways to Sell More Books

Kurt Springs, who I conned into joining us at the last minute...

Tony Tremblay, a fellow writer of scary stuff

Steve Hobbs- just too strange for words... 😆

Satin Russell- now that's an author name...

Matt Forrest Esenwine

And last but not least, Linda Magoon

Thanks to all the sponsors, and to the Griffin Free Library for the space and support! 

See you there next year!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Killer Nashville 2024

Finally recovered from the wonderful and thoroughly tiring weekend at the Killer Nashville mystery conference. Days of talking with other writers and learning more about the marketing of books.

Clay Stafford, who created this event, signing a book for a fan. 

Clay will be our guest on Tuesday, September 24th, for the Tewksbury Library Writer's Night Out, so be sure to tune in. 

Thanks to all the KN staff for their hard work in making this conference a major success. Especially Beth, Kylee, and Matti!  💓

It was a busy time- I gave 3 solo presentations, and was on 2 other panels.

Here's my panel on How to be a Successful Indie Author (also the title of one of my books to help writers!)

L to R: Kelly OliverCarmen Amato, Mary Jumbelic, Mike Faricy

Our moderator, Georgia Cockerham

Here's my audience for my presentation on Motivation and Having a Long Career, which wasn't even in the program, due to a last-minute substitution. 

It was supposed to be a talk on autopsies, so I asked if anyone wanted to volunteer as a visual aid for that. 

Jeremy Brazzell on the right offered to be the victim, and Yasmeen Salama in the middle, offered to do the cutting...  😏

Also did a presentation on 87 Ways to Sell More Books, also another title of mine. Big audience of over 40 people! 
And another on Excuses, from another book of mine, How to Conquer Excuses and Just Write

My other panel was on Book Launches and Promotions. I was joined by Tilia Klebenov-Jacobs, who graciously took a suitcase of books down for me to sell, and kept me company during the many book signings. 

Was so busy, only got to one other panel, Tools to Get Unstuck Mid-Manuscript.

For selling the books we wrote, we had a huge vendor room with space enough for all.

Chris Underwood (the Richard Gere lookalike on the left), joined us for hijinks, and Bruce Robert Coffin hugs GoH T.M. Clark.

Met so many people, some former friends, and many new ones.
Pics of just a few of the over 600 attendees... though I missed many I spoke with- mea culpa... 

Here's the core of troublemakers that formed the crew nucleus.
Elizabeth, Helen Thornton-Gussy (all the way from New Zealand!), and Morgan Waddle
If you need a good editor, Helen and Morgan are available!

Avram, Kaye, Elizabeth and me

Lots of socializing!
Tom Barber, Elizabeth, Morgan, and Josh (CJ Howell)

Did not get pics of two writing buds from my area, Janet Raye Stevens and S. Lee Manning, but we had fun anyway! 

Jena was one of the first folks I met there.

RJ Shaw, a retired FBI agent (lots of ex-law enforcement types there)

Julie Elbe

Josh (CJ Howell)

Jena and CB Wilson

Patrick O'Donnell and Kaye Ellis

Jim Nesbitt with Elizabeth

So much fun. Now about next year...