Monday, July 8, 2024

NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza

Had a great day yesterday at the NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza in Boxboro. 

As the show advertises, it's all forms of Collectibles! Antique & collectible toys, comics, art, vinyl records, weird stuff, diecast, Funko, trading cards, nerdcrafts, oddities, artifacts, memorabilia, and EVERYTHING in between!

I was there selling and signing books with Scott Goudsward, another author and big-time collector of figurines.

There was booth after booth of fun stuff. 

So many nice people selling their wares. 
Here's Jim Dyer, another author, and one who had a relative that was a friend to H.P. Lovecraft!

And one more- Scott M. Baker, who pens tales of monsters, zombies, and the supernatural.

And here's Brittany Lyn Batchelder, an author, illustrator, and artist, who created an avian Tarot deck, with lovely illustrations.

And a couple of cool guys from Nightfall Collectibles- even those who vend similar items cannot resist acquiring a piece for their own! 

And here's Kyle Russell, of Crystal Concentrics, with a huge and elaborate setup.

Fun day for all- lots of families, showing the kids all the cool stuff. 
They run a few of these every year, so if you're in the mood for nostalgia (needing some comics to complete your collection), or just want to browse, check it out. 

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