Sunday, March 17, 2013


Well, yes, it's St. Patrick's Day, and that's cause enough to celebrate, but there's more.

I've finished the edits on A Shadow on the Wall, the third Zack Taylor novel.

I've been working on the edits to this since November, trying to make it absolutely spectacular. Thanks be to my editors, who labored to call me on every bit of writing that wouldn't work as top-notch.

I told my daughter it was like writing a 300-page term paper, which could be graded by every English professor on the planet.

So- on to celebration, and then other projects!

Like getting Halls of Horror into the Kindle Daily Select program. My first time with them- let's see how it goes.

It's like being a superhero-- the fight never ends. But you cherish the victories, and keep going.

Erin go bragh!

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