Sunday, November 15, 2009


Sorry for the radio silence, but I've been preparing for two important events. The first, and most important, is my daughter's birthday today. She's having a party, and we've all been getting our home ready for a bunch of pre-teens.

The second is the big mystery convention around these parts, called CrimeBake, and I just got back from there, having spent most of the weekend. It was my first of this type, and was quite an experience. I met writers, editors, and agents. Met some old friends and made some new ones. It was a sold-out smash hit with everyone. So many nice people being helpful.

Like a number of others there, I was able to pitch my novel to someone in the biz, and he asked to see the first ten pages. So here's hoping he likes what he sees and wants to take on my novel. If not, it's off to other agents. I'd guess well over half the folk there, well over a hundred, were mystery writers-- some already established, and some trying to break in to the biz.

Imagine playing Little League with dreams of pro glory, and then getting to hang out with some of the biggest Major League players: that's what this kind of show offers. And then having a scout tell you to throw a few pitches to see what you've got. Yeah, the pressure is enormous, but you get in there and give 'em your best. And you wait to see if they call you up. Wow. People came out of the pitch session stunned. A few of us gathered together to share our stories and congratulate each other.

Just so you'll know, many of the top-name writers also faced repeated rejection. Toni Kelner, a very nice mystery author, had a story rejected by someone she never even submitted it to! One writer had a NY Times best seller book that was turned down by 65 people before it hit. Yeah. A similar story with another, 60 rejections before the best seller sold. It really doesn't matter how good it is, it's getting it before the right set of eyes, and that's the tough part.

And that's where I am, waiting for the Right One. I've got three complete novels, good enough to show to professionals. We'll start with one, and get a foot in the door. Then it's Katy, Bar the Door!

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